Virtual Innovation Program (VIP)

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequently rolled out as part of our 2020 Statewide Annual Meeting & HELLO Conference, Bleeding Disorders Association of  South Carolina launched a new initiative, our Virtual Innovation Program (VIP).  The mission of the VIP program is to provide continuing education, support services, and to connect with members with the use of managed educational tools, such as I-Pads. Enrolled with the service of a Mobile Device Management we can provide virtual connections to web clips, videos, apps, and URL’s, all of our choosing, and provide zoom virtual meeting capabilities. The program was well embraced by the 60 families or individuals who first enrolled. We now have 85 members enrolled in the program. With the huge success of this educational pilot program, we are opening it up to all the members of BDASC as funding for additional educational tools becomes available. 

What are the benefits of being a VIP member?

  • A BDASC supported iPad for personal use.
  • The latest bleeding disorders news at your fingertips.
  • Emergency notification (alarm) of product withdrawals and recalls.  
  • Exclusive VIP, Chapter communications, in-person events, and virtual events and programs.
  • Telehealth and HTC access.

What you need to do to become a VIP member:

  • Be a member of Bleeding Disorders Association of South Carolina.
  • Contact us here or call (864-350-9941) 
  • Agree to, and return, the device policy signature page, provided with your application request.

What you need to do to remain a VIP member:

  • Stay informed by reading the VIP newsletters.
  • Take a few surveys and provide feedback.
  • Visit the informational links we load on to the iPad.
  • Be responsive and involved.
  • Attend virtual events as available.

What are the overall objectives, goals and outcomes, and evaluation methods for the VIP Program?   

Our goal is to continue to grow the program to serve additional members of our organization who are affected by bleeding disorders through increased funding grants.

Objective: To help members of BDASC stay connected to our organization and community members throughout South Carolina during the difficult times of COVID 19 restrictions and beyond; and to alleviate barriers to attending in person events due to time constraints, financial barriers, mobility difficulties, or travel distance.

Goals and Outcomes: To increase connectivity to BDASC and to the greater bleeding disorders community, and to provide an increase in education, advocacy awareness, and supportive services. We also desire to help individuals learn virtual capabilities and grow their technical capabilities as we expand into the 21st century. 

Evaluation Method: We are surveys to all enrolled VIP participants to evaluate the effectiveness of the program enrollment, how often they used the device for other than personal use to connect with BDASC, and if the program in the participants viewpoint is successful in achieving our goal and is beneficial. The program will run continuously as long as funding is available.

Apply to Become a VIP Member – Learn More Here

VIP Sponsorship Opportunities – Click Here

                                          BECOME A SPONSOR TODAY – Learn more         
                                           The VIP Program is proudly sponsored by:
           Bleeding Disorders Association of South Carolina wishes to acknowledge
                                                     our 2024 VIP Program Sponsor!             
"This is of fundamental importance to me to learn and be connected to everything that is going on with the hemophilia community and BDASC and know any updates that I can be available for. I also love that I can use the device to look up everyday things. Hopefully in time more people can have the ability to use the tablet so more people can access all the information they need to help them in being involved and learning more about their condition. Thank you for the privilege of having this device".
VIP Program Member
BDASC Member
The VIP program has allowed me to connect with my government representatives when I did not have any other means to do so. Having “hybrid” conferences allows families to have resources at their fingertips, while also calming their anxieties with road trips and crowds.
VIP Program Member
BDASC Member