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Mental Health Resources

Mental health care matters. It is important to maintain our mental health as well as we maintain our physical health. Below are some resources and tools from National Bleeding Disorder Organization, National Mental Health Organizations as well as some South Carolina focused groups to help support your mental well-being.

National Bleeding Disorder Organization Videos

HFA’s Mental Health Check-in Video Series: Practicing Self-Care

HFA’s Mental Health Check-in Video Series: Accessing Mental Health Services

HFA’s Mental Health Check-in Video Series: 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Techniques

National Bleeding Disorder Organization Resources
HFA’s Feelings are Normal

…and everyone experiences positive and negative feelings at different times in their lives. Being diagnosed with a chronic condition or learning that your child has a chronic condition may make a person feel stressed, sad, and sometimes depressed. It is important to know that these feelings are normal, and it is also critical to know when to seek help if you feel overwhelmed with emotions. MORE>>

HFA’s Mental Health Resources

Save This Page—With growing instances of mental health emergencies, it is important to know the warning signs of a mental health crisis in ourselves and our loved ones. This helpful handout provides valuable information on spotting the signs and what to say (and not say) when someone needs immediate help.

Quick Links to Mental Health Resources—There are a number of ways to find information on mental health, but where can you turn and who can you trust? HFA has gathered more than 50 trusted websites, hotlines and videos in one place as a quick reference.

Mental Health Education—With the pandemic and other recent events, caring for our mental health could not be more important. HFA’s Learning Central has courses for you to learn the basics of mental health, how to find support, coping skills and hear from community members about their mental struggles.

Mental Health First Aid Training—Hemophilia Federation of America (HFA) is pleased to offer free Mental Health First Aid training through an internationally renowned program by the National Council for Behavioral Health as part of HFA’s 2021 Mental Health and Wellness Initiative. Learn more about our upcoming trainings.

Hemaware: Putting the Spotlight on Mental Health and Bleeding Disorders

If you or someone you love is struggling with mental health issues, you’re not alone. Help is available both in the bleeding disorders community and beyond. MORE>>

HFA’s Crisis Hotline ‘Print and Save’ Resource

HFA Save this Page

HFA’s Mental Health Handout

BDASC Resources:

VIP Program – This program provides members an iPad to use for educational, telehealth, and socialization purposes. The device is preloaded and any mental health app can be downloaded on to it by the user. MORE>>

Men’s Program – Our men’s meeting group that provides support, empowerment, networking opportunities, and a space to share the knowledge and experiences living with or being a male relative of someone with a bleeding disorder. MORE>>

Ladies’ CARE Program – This program exists to support and empower women and girls who are affected by a bleeding disorders whether they have been diagnosed as having a bleeding disorder, are a caretaker of someone with a bleeding disorder; child or spouse/significant other, brother or sister, or they themselves are carriers of a genetic bleeding disorder. MORE>>

YES Program – This group helps newly diagnosed families connect to other members with younger children within the community who are confronted with some of the same situations learning the ins and outs of navigating life with a bleeding disorder. The program provides educational speakers, supportive services, and is always fun and informative set in a relaxing and inviting venue. MORE>>

Motivational Monday’s: Life Coach Program – BDASC contracted with Jim Stroker, a Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Teacher, and father of children with disabilities to provide an 8 week Motivational Monday’s Group Class to members of our organization. Read the program summary for some fantastic tip!

South Carolina Organization Resources:
National Mental Health Organizations