South Carolina’s Bleeding Disorders Advisory Committee

The Bleeding Disorders of South Carolina Advisory Committee (BDAC) meets on the second Tuesday of the month, three times per year in either Greenville, Columbia, or virtually online.

The goals and objectives of the BDAC are to assist in the services, educational, and the advocacy needs of the South Carolina bleeding disorder community. It is comprised of individuals who look to enhance the quality of life for those affected by bleeding disorders and to support the Chapter’s mission of education and supportive services. The BDAC addresses the unique needs of the community and works to find solutions in partnering with the Chapter by providing quality input and assistance for high valued programs, education, and support services.

The committee welcomes dedicated Industry partners, Hemophilia Treatment Center staff and physicians, BDASC Board Members, and local and national support organizations. The committee Chairman works closely with the Chapter ED to assist with the agenda, meeting schedule, location, and communications with the BDAC members.

For additional information and interest in joining the BDAC or attending a meeting, please contact Sue Martin, Executive Director or BDAC Chairman Kerrie Barnes, CSL Behring at

2025 Scheduled Meetings

January 21, 10:00am  ~ Greenville Office

Virtual Link



May 13,  10:00am


September 9, 10:00am