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Our Community Partners

Have a direct hand in all we accomplish to serve our mission and provide for our community. Learn more about our partners by clicking on the Logos and Names!
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Industry Partners (2023-24)
diamond Partners

Kerrie Barnes, Manager Coagulation Products, CSL Behring,



Morgan Cook, Territory Business Manager



Xaviette Pointer – Kincy, Community Relations & Education


Platinum Partners


Gold Partners



Silver Partners

Corporate Partners (2023-24)
Diamond & Platinum Partners





Gold Partners

Silver Partners


Friends Partners (2023-24)
Diamond & Platinum Partners

John and Dana Tillert, SC

Gold Partners

Ric and Sue Martin, SC

MyDoGood, LLC, NY (donors)

Eric Callahan, SC


Silver Partners

Larry and Marie Langner, CA

Joey and Michele Krakowiak, SC

Harvey (Trey) Causey, SC

Joanne Boggs, SC

Bronze Partners

Philip Ross, SC

Kerrie Cornell, SC

Aaron and Brantley Smith, SC

Jessica Johnson, GA