BDASC’s official newsletter, The News Infusion, is distributed throughout the state of South Carolina to registered members of BDASC and to the Chapter’s national and local affiliations. It is endorsed by the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation and the Hemophilia Treatment Centers.

The News Infusion Mission Statement

The News Infusion is published quarterly by BDASC as an informational service for its members, friends, and affiliations of South Carolina’s bleeding disorder community. It provides communication connections, education, and advocacy awareness. The News Infusion does not endorse any provider, company or product and further recommends that its readers always consult with their physicians and health care providers.

Statement of Purpose

The News Infusion editorial staff recognize that it must meet the needs of its readership; specifically, to include:

  • Timely knowledge regarding the activities of BDASC and its governing board;

  • Information from the Hemophilia Treatment Centers which also involves the Chapter’s goals and its members;

  • Facts and informational articles from the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation, Hemophilia Federation of America and other affiliations and their activities.

  • Data and information regarding the research, market and application of treatment developments for bleeding disorders;

  • Forum for the exchange of information, ideas, and opinions among the chapter, its members and supporters.


The editorial staff ultimately is responsible to BDASC’s Board of Directors, which reserves the right to edit, remove or refuse any content that does not meet the needs of its readership. The Newsletter should always depict the fundamental elements of the Mission of the Chapter; To raise awareness for and advocate on behalf of persons with bleeding disorders and their families; provide education and supportive services; and promote ongoing research to improve the quality of life for those affected.

Newsletter Archives:
Want to Be in Our Newsletter?
BDASC welcomes your letters, articles, and pictures to be submitted for inclusion in The News Infusion. All articles may be published or distributed in print, electronic, online or in other forms. All submissions will be verified and are subject to editing. For advertising opportunities, please contact the Chapter. If you would like to be a featured individual or family in our community voices section of The News Infusion, we invite you to submit your article six weeks before our newsletter goes to print. Questions? Please contact the Chapter at 864-350-9941 or