
HSC Awards Three College Scholarships

Congratulation to Matt, Bradley and Samantha! It is with great pleasure that we would like to introduce the following individuals who have been awarded The Hemophilia of South Carolina 2016 Scholarship Awards. These bright individuals have each worked hard throughout the years and are very deserving of this award. We at HSC wish them the very best in their future educational plans and know their futures will be very bright. Congratulations to each of these deserving individuals!

Matthew Kjeldsen: Matt attends Winthrop University and has just finished a fantastic freshman year. He plans on graduating from the Winthrop University Think College Program. He has a strong interest for sports and had two internships this past year as manager for the Winthrop’s Men’s Division 1 Basketball Team. He also was a staff member at the Recreational Center. Matt has won several awards to include the CN2 Hometown Hero Award in February, 2015. He volunteers for many service projects and church events. Congratulations to you Matt!

Bradley Odec: Bradley has been a member of HSC since coming here to America from Kenya when he was 12 years old to receive better treatment opportunities for him and his family. He has been very supportive of the Chapter and is always eager to lend a helping hand to include participating in advocacy, teen activities, the Turkey Trot Walk and all Chapter events. He has played in the band for 6 years, loves singing, dancing, swimming, drawing and hanging out with friends to name just a few. He has worked and volunteered at Camp Burnt Gin for the past 2 years. Bradley will be attending the College of Charleston in the fall and will be studying Computer Science. We are very proud of you Bradley- way to go!

Samantha Nash: Sam and her family have been long time supportive Chapter members. Sam has participated in Chapter events most her life, supporting her brother with severe hemophilia. Sam will be attending Clemson University’s Bridge Program in the fall at Tri-County Technical College and majoring in Political Science. A huge part of Sam’s life has been in student government which she loves. She is also a varsity cheerleader for Chapin High School. Samantha has achieved numerous academic and performance honors. Great Job Samantha, and we wish you the very best!