
Hemophilia of South Carolina (HSC) Started the Year Off Running


Hemophilia of South Carolina (HSC) started the year off running with a successful new Website launch, two educational dinners and YES! Supporting fifty-six community members combined in two locations; one in the Upstate and one in the Midstate, the educational dinners provided a learning experience of how to navigate the financial aid processes for college bound individuals and how to secure possible scholarships. The week ended with the first support program of the new year- YES!

IMG_1536Fifty participants of the Young Families Empowerment and Support (YES) group enjoyed a day with friends at the Edventure Children’s Museum in Columbia after a lunch and learn activity helped parents to explore the adventures of summer camps for kids with bleeding disorders. They also were able to hear more about Camp Burnt Gin (CBG) from one of the camps counselors, Bradly Odec and other parents in the group that have sent their kids to camp. They were also provided with a CBG camp application packet to take home. Bradley, a camp counselor for CBG and a college bound senior was at the Mid-state educational dinner a few nights earlier learning all he could about how to capture some financial aid to assist with his college desires. This included a scholarship packet to take home from HSC hoping to be awarded one of the Chapter’s 2016 Scholarships. The year has just begin and HSC continues to be on the move with “Da Boyz Night Out” a men and boys support group activity in February and the Chapter’s State Legislative Days in March.